Programmed To Please (The Tau Cetus Chronicles) Read online

Page 5

  Don’t be an idiot, Jai. Marque Callex ordered exactly what he wanted from Anson Carron, and you were simply the closest one to fit the bill.

  True, but that knowledge didn’t negate any of the surprising pleasure of his touch, the interesting drag of his fingertips against her alien skin.

  Marque pulled his hand away, lingering to let his thumb stroke back and forth across her nipple, encouraging it to a tight little peak. He let out a pleased sound at her body’s immediate response, and his left hand came up to give her other breast equal attention.

  Jai had to restrain herself from leaning forward to press herself into his hands for more contact.

  “So perfect,” Marque whispered, the ghost of a smile on his lips. Then his mood abruptly seemed to shift back to foul. He straightened, frowned, and twisted her nipples roughly.

  Jai clamped her mouth closed against a sudden gasp of pain.

  Marque’s hands moved to run down the sides of her body, coming to rest on her hips. His fingers dug into her flesh there, pushing firmly downward.

  “On your knees.”

  Jai blinked as she realized his intent. Oh, God, he wants fellatio. She sent up a quick prayer. Please let me remember Titus Veraine’s tricks!

  Jai silently knelt in front of him, watching as Marque’s hands moved to his waistband. Even through the material of his pants, Jai could tell he was already erect. Had just touching her body aroused him so quickly, or had he been fantasizing about this?

  Marque jerked his belt from its loops. His button and zipper opened beneath his sure hands. His pants and underwear were pushed down his legs. Jai was faced with the full force of his masculine power, mere inches from her face.

  Dear God. He had a magnificent cock. More magnificent close up.

  “Open your mouth.”

  Jai did as he ordered, and Marque guided himself between her lips. Jai took as much of him into her mouth as she could, reaching up to grasp his lower shaft with her right hand.

  “Ahhh…” Marque buried his hands into her hair to hold her head close, and Jai silently acknowledged the wisdom of Rainey’s insistence that she dye her hair: If Marque had discovered she was wearing a wig, her cover would have been blown immediately.

  “Fuck that feels good…”

  Jai let him slide in and out of her mouth for maybe fifteen seconds, and then she tightened her grip on his shaft to hold him still.

  “What the—”

  That was the last coherent sound he made. Remembering her lesson, Jai’s mouth latched onto his cock, and she began to suck. Hard. Like a baby sucks its thumb. Strong and fast and insistent.

  Marque gasped and twitched and swore, but Jai kept him in her mouth’s vice-like grip, sucking as hard as she could. She even reached behind to his butt cheek with her left hand, to urge him closer. When his moans grew to a fevered pitch and she felt he was near his climax, she pressed her right forefinger to the base of his cock, behind his balls which were high and tight with his arousal. As Veraine had predicted, the move worked like a charm. The added pressure sent Marque right over the edge, and he shouted hoarsely as he came in her mouth with hot, strong spurts. Jai swallowed as best she could, massaging his cock with her lips, sucking him dry, and humming to create a little vibration to increase his pleasure.

  Endless moments later, Marque’s body slowed its jerking, and his hands leaned hard on her shoulders, as if trying to support himself.


  Jai let his cock slip from her mouth, dropping a little kiss on its head. Then she looked up at him, licking her lips as if she’d just enjoyed the finest dessert. “Did you like that, Marque?”

  “Fuuuck.” That one word seemed all he could manage. His breathing was rough and ragged, so Jai stood and helped him fully out of his pants, then led him to the bed. He collapsed on it, rolled onto his back, and threw an arm across his eyes, as he’d done yesterday.

  Jai climbed onto the bed and stretched out on her side next to him. Propping her head in one hand, she gazed down at him. “Was that good, Marque?”

  He let out one of those little barks of laughter, and peeked at her from beneath his arm. “Only the best fucking blow job of my entire life. What the hell kind of mechanical suction device do they put in that pretty mouth of yours?” He moved his arm away from his face and gave her a wide smile. “Come on. Open your mouth. Let me see.”

  Jai knew he’d see human lips and teeth and a tongue. Would they be robot-like enough to fool him? Could she chance it?

  She gave him a return smile but shook her head gently. “That’s proprietary information, Marque. Owned by Beautiful Dolls.”

  “Well whatever it is, that device could earn a fucking fortune sold on its own – wait a minute.” He stared up at her. “Are you smiling?”

  Jai blinked. Was a smile outside the reach of a sexbot’s programming? She thought fast for a logical explanation. “I’m designed to respond to verbal instructions and some visual cues, as Mr. Carron explained to you yesterday. You smiled, so I smiled in return.”

  He continued to stare at her, as if assessing her answer. Then his eyes narrowed. “Then how would you respond to this, I wonder?”

  Before Jai could guess his intent, Marque’s right hand shot up to grasp her tightly at the back of her neck, pulling her down for a kiss.

  It was the last thing Jai expected.

  He pressed his lips against hers experimentally, as if trying to gauge the firmness of her synthetic mouth. When he found her lips to be pliable rather than rigid, his tongue demanded entrance between them. She briefly considered fighting him, then thought the better of it. She opened her mouth, but held still to see what he would do.

  As she’d suspected, Marque used his tongue to explore her. This was not a romantic kiss, it was an… investigative… one. He was obviously trying to uncover the inner workings of her robot mouth, to feel for or figure out her suction device.

  His tongue ran along her gums, traced the outline of her teeth, and tickled the roof of her mouth. But when he found her tongue, he froze.

  And in that moment, the kiss changed completely.

  He eased his hard grasp on the back of her neck, stroking there instead with his fingers. His tongue lost its determined insistence, and changed to one of curious discovery. His tongue caressed hers, stroked hers, played with hers. And when Jai responded by tangling her tongue with his, Marque growled low in his throat and pulled her body on top of his.

  “Mmm…” He deepened the kiss.

  It seemed like, all of a sudden, he could not get enough contact. Tongue to tongue, her breasts crushed to his chest, his groin grinding up against hers. Body to body. His left hand stroked down her spine to her butt and back up again, settling into a slow, sensuous rhythm. Meanwhile, his right hand applied a gentle pressure to tilt her head so he could have better access to her mouth.

  Every nerve ending in Jai’s skin responded where it made contact with Marque. It felt so good that she could have stayed here forever.

  Beneath her hips, she felt him hardening again. Amazing. Marque Callex was obviously a highly sexual creature.

  Build a relationship with him. With Rainey’s words in the back of her mind, Jai decided to try to take control of the kiss, to show Marque that she could be his equal, not just his plaything. She pulled her mouth away from his, enjoying the glazed look in his eye, the way his black pupils were dilated with pleasure. Before he had time to question her move, she smiled at him and leaned back down to kiss him, this time dictating their play, imitating his demands on her mouth, dominating his tongue with her own.

  Beneath her hips, he grew even harder.

  Jai felt a satisfied tingling from her head to her toes. Hmm… Maybe Marque would like it if she took control of their sex, too.

  She was still enjoying the power of her tongue in his mouth and debating which sexual position Marque might enjoy when she felt him suddenly bury his hands into her hair and firmly yank her head away from their kiss. His grip w
as so hard that she had to stifle a yelp of pain. Jesus, it felt like he was pulling out her hair by the roots!

  She looked down at him in confusion.

  His eyes were still slightly glazed. Or was that a spark of something else she saw there?

  “You learn quickly,” he said.

  A knot settled in Jai’s stomach. Why did she get the feeling he wasn’t complimenting her kissing? She grasped for an explanation that would satisfy him. “I pick up on physical cues, as well, Marque.”

  “Very dangerous,” he answered darkly.

  It wasn’t a stretch to feign ignorance. “Why is it dangerous?”

  Instead of answering, Marque pushed her roughly off him, and rolled to the side of the mattress. Standing up, he walked around to the foot of the bed. “Come here. I want you on your hands and knees.”

  Did he want more fellatio? Jai eyed Marque’s groin as she dutifully crawled down the mattress toward him. He was still hard, and she felt a mild disappointment. She’d hoped they might be able to share a mutually satisfying sexual encounter after their intimate kiss. So much for planting the seed of a relationship today…

  “Not this way. Turn around.”

  Jai halted. She was nearly at the foot of the bed. “What?”

  “Turn and face the headboard.”

  The knot in Jai’s stomach grew. There were only two ways Marque could fuck her if she turned around, and she had a good idea which one he had in mind. What had she done this time to make him not want to look at her again?

  Jai gazed up into his eyes. “Marque…”

  “Be quiet,” he growled. “Turn around.”

  Jai hung her head, but obediently moved to offer him her backside.

  “Is there any lubricant around here?”

  Remembering her preparation, Jai shook her head. “You don’t need any lubrication.”

  His sharp inhalation told her how interesting he found that particular bit of information. His hands locked onto her hips, and he pulled her an inch or two closer to him. “Spread your legs.”

  She did.

  He guided himself to the entrance of her ass, positioned himself at her opening, and pushed.

  Jai gritted her teeth. Even with the help of the lubricant, Marque’s first thrust was incredibly tight. Maybe it was a good thing she was facing away from him so he couldn’t see the uncomfortable look on her face.

  “Fucking hell,” Marque breathed. “You’re even tighter here than yesterday’s position. You’re perfect.” He pulled out of her, and then pushed back in. Deeper this time, seating himself to the hilt. “Ahh.... So good.”

  Back out, then in again.

  “Shit…I won’t last, J. It’s too good.”

  Jai clutched at the bed sheet. Through her fog of discomfort, her brain registered two things. One: he thought sex with her was perfect. Two – and much more important – he’d just called her J. Whether he realized it or not, Marque Callex had crossed a line.

  This was personal now.

  Jai struggled to catch her breath as Marque thrust again. “I’m a virgin model, Marque,” she tried to purr. “Made just for you.”

  Marque’s movement abruptly halted. Despite the temporary physical relief, Jai frowned. What was wrong? She’d been trying to play to his ego.

  But instead of being flattered, Marque let out what sounded like an angry growl. He started moving again, faster this time. Harder. As if he wanted to punish her for some reason. Jai locked her jaw against a cry of pain as Marque’s fingers dug into her hips to hold her in place for his thrusts.

  She wasn’t going to be able to take this much longer. Between his ruthless fingers and his brutal thrusts, Jai was nearing her threshold level of pain, despite the lubrication. She could already feel tears forming in her eyes.

  Veraine…what had Titus Veraine told her about anal sex? Think, Jai!

  Once he’s inside you and moving, clench your muscles for a tighter fit. It’s guaranteed to drive him over the edge.

  Despite the added discomfort, Jai squeezed desperately.

  “Ahh…ahh…ahh. Fuck!” Marque let out a rough shout as he came, grinding against her as he emptied himself inside her.

  Jai sent up a prayer of thanks that this was over. There was a long moment of silence while Marque gasped desperately for breath, then finally pulled out of her. The pain of his exit was worse than the discomfort of his entry, and Jai collapsed onto the mattress, burying her mouth in the sheet to muffle a low moan. She couldn’t help it. She felt used, abused, and now discarded. And she probably wasn’t going to be able to sit for a week.

  Marque hesitated, and then sat at the edge of the bed next to her, resting a hand on her back. “What’s the matter?”

  Jai didn’t trust herself to speak. Besides, there were still unshed tears in her eyes. Thank goodness her face was turned away from him.

  “Look, I’m sorry I was brutal. I’m not mad at you. I’m actually mad at me.” He made a strangled sound, followed by a disgusted one. “Unbelievable! I’m doing it again.”

  Jai turned her head. “Doing what?”

  Marque took one look at her face, and inhaled sharply. “Damn it. I said I was sorry.”

  He stood up, thrust a hand through his hair, and turned away quickly. “Listen to me – I’m apologizing to a robot,” he murmured furiously, obviously to himself. “You’re a machine. You can’t feel a damn thing. I’m a fucking idiot for thinking I might have hurt you.”

  He bent to pick his clothes up off the floor and yanked them on roughly.

  Jai couldn’t let him leave like this. He was mad. Very mad. In his current mood, he might never return. “Marque?”

  He paused in his dressing. “What?”

  “Come back tomorrow, Marque. Please.”

  He scowled at her, finished dressing, and left without a word.

  Chapter Four

  She was driving him crazy.

  Marque had made damn sure to attend the production meeting today, but sitting at the polished mahogany conference room table with the heads of his various departments, he couldn’t concentrate on a single word they were saying. He couldn’t seem to focus on anything except J.

  Yes. She was definitely driving him crazy.

  He’d gone back to Beautiful Dolls yesterday with the express intention of proving to himself that J was no more than a machine. Merely a vessel to satisfy his sexual needs. In fact, his two choices of sexual positions had been designed specifically so that he didn’t have to look her in the face.

  But no sooner had he told her to strip, than the sight of her naked body had captivated him once again, intriguing him with her oh-so-human reactions to his touch.

  He’d recovered from that little detour in his plan quickly enough to force her to her knees to service him, but she’d done it with such amazing skill that he’d been dying to find out exactly what kind of suction device could drive a man so out of his mind.

  Because she had. Driven him completely and utterly out of his mind.

  He’d felt trapped in her mouth while she’d sucked him hard, writhing with a pleasure so intense that his body had literally shook with it. And when she’d fingered him behind his balls… holy hell, he’d come quicker than any teenager.

  He’d never felt anything that incredible in his life. The technique should be patented. Shit, even now the memory of it sent a violent shiver of pleasure through his body.

  “Marque? Are you all right?”

  “What?” With a frown, his focus came back to the conference room. Ten seated men stared at him, each with varying degrees of curiosity on his face. Marque was positioned at the head of the table, but Chavis Smith was standing to his right, obviously addressing the group. Marque glanced up at him. “What did you say?”

  “Not me. You. You sort of… moaned. Are you feeling okay?”

  Fuck. She’s done it again.

  Marque felt his face flush. “I’m fine,” he snapped. “Where were we?”

  “The production


  Marque heard Chavis start speaking again, but for the life of him, Marque couldn’t follow a word the man was saying. Were these meetings really so incredibly boring? Why did he hold them daily, for God’s sake? His brain was much more interested in the intriguing topic of J’s suction device.

  Okay, so kissing her had probably not been the best way to probe for the apparatus in her mouth. His tongue hadn’t been able to discern anything other than her mechanical teeth and tongue. But damn, when he’d tasted her tongue…

  It could so easily have been a human tongue. She’d played with him, teased him, responded to him, and dear God, when she’d taken control it had become an almost human kiss. He’d lost himself in it, willingly surrendering to her soft wet heat and her clever velvet tongue. That is, until he’d realized once again that he’d lost command of the situation, and then shoved her away from him.


  Marque ran a hand through his hair.

  Even fucking her from behind hadn’t helped to reestablish his control. She was so damned tight. Perfect in every position. He’d been at her mercy just as much as she’d been at his.

  Okay, so maybe he’d been a little rough with her during anal sex. But it’s not like he could hurt her. She was a machine, for Christ’s sake! She’d been deliciously tight but also damn easy to slide into. Pre-lubricated; she’d said so herself. And wasn’t it the very mechanical tightening of her beautiful ass that had made him come with the force of a roaring cannon?

  Fuck. I’m hard again just thinking about it. He shifted uncomfortably on his conference room chair.

  So then, why had she acted like he’d hurt her? And why could he have sworn there were tears in her eyes when she’d turned her head on the mattress to look at him?

  He’d apologized, and then cursed himself for a fool. The illusion of tears was surely just a trick of the light reflecting off those very mechanical starburst eyes of hers. She was a robot. Once again, he was the one giving her human characteristics.
