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The Initiation of Isabella: A Binding Ties story Page 6

  “I no longer wanted to fuck you, but to make love to you,” he ground out. “This stopped being a job for me.”

  Her body shuddered at that amazing revelation—the gorgeous Mr. S, wanting her of his own free will? Wanting naïve Isabella Tallin? It was almost impossible to believe. She closed her eyes briefly, and swallowed hard against her own rising feelings.

  “I know,” he agreed, obviously misinterpreting her reaction. “I’m way out of line here. We had an agreement. A contract.” He shook his head, as if disgusted with himself. “I haven’t even fulfilled it, have I? I didn’t give you exactly what you wanted—”

  “I’ll tell you what I want,” she said slowly, looking up into his amazing blue eyes.

  “A refund?”

  “Not a refund. Something much more important.”

  “What?” He raised one eyebrow in question.

  “I want—to touch you.”

  His face went deathly still. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see his cock, still wearing its condom, jerk to attention. “If you do,” he rasped, “I can’t vouch for the consequences.”

  “I want the consequences,” she vowed. “I want you to make love to me.”

  Now it was his turn to shudder and swallow hard. “Who are you, really?” His eyes reflected his confusion, his vulnerability, his doubt.

  She slid her hand slowly from his forearm up to his biceps. “Relax and enjoy,” she whispered silkily, offering his own words back to him.

  He groaned, and allowed her to push him down next to her on the platform bed.

  Isabella’s heart soared. He’d done it. He’d ceded the same control he’d demanded from her earlier. It was an incredible gesture of trust. The gorgeous Mr. S was hers to do with as she pleased.

  He was spread out alongside her like a banquet to be savored, and Isabella’s mouth watered as her hungry eyes looked him over. Broad chest, covered lightly with black hair. Muscled biceps and forearms that had held her so tightly tonight. Flat plane of a stomach that narrowed to a slim waist, and beckoned her farther down his body to where his amazing cock stood rigid and ready. And below that, his strong thighs, which had held her up while they’d had sex that first time.

  Her head spun. With all this perfection laid out before her, where did she start?

  Logan held his breath, waiting for the first contact of her fingers. God, he wanted this so badly he’d even rolled on a condom at the start of the last scenario, when there’d been no possibility of anything other than kissing her.

  Kissing her.

  A major violation in his trade.

  None of his men were allowed to kiss their clients. It was too personal, crossed the strict line of what his company represented—which was the business of pleasure. Not to mention that kissing tended to screw with everybody’s emotions.

  And, as Max had been so quick to point out, rule number one was never to get emotionally involved with a client.

  But Logan wanted to kiss this woman, and he’d rationalized it to himself as being the only thing a third man could do to please her, considering that he and his men weren’t following the usual ménage scenario. Of course, he could have concentrated on one of her breasts while Scott had the other one, but…

  He gasped out loud as her fingertips finally made contact with his skin and began a slow exploration of his chest, dragging leisurely through his fine hair toward his nipple. She circled it warily, as if waiting to see how he would respond. He held his breath, concentrating on the languid pleasure as the circle slowly contracted, getting smaller and smaller, until her fingertip reached his tiny tip. Exactly as he had done to her less than an hour ago. His nipple tightened in anticipation, and she flicked her fingernail over it, causing him to jerk in response to the sharp pleasure. But that was nothing compared to the exquisite rasp of her tongue across his hard peak a moment later, or the incredible wet heat of her mouth as she closed around it and began to suck at him, hard.

  Every nerve ending in his body suddenly seemed centered in his chest. God, he couldn’t breathe. With every strong pull of her mouth, he could feel his cock jerk hard in an elemental response. Was this what she felt when he sucked on her nipple, this primal answering call between her legs?

  He moaned deeply with pleasure, and buried his hands in her hair as he held her tighter against his chest. But he needn’t have worried—she wasn’t through with him yet. She abruptly changed direction and began to move her mouth from side to side against him, causing a whole different kind of friction against his super-sensitized nipple.

  His body convulsed, and he nearly came right then and there.

  He wrenched her head away, and struggled desperately to catch his breath. But she seemed undeterred, languidly moving her lips farther down his chest, and then across his stomach, deliberately taking her time, leaving hot, wet kisses in her wake.

  She stopped when she came to his belly, laying her cheek against him there, and snaking out a hand to grasp his cock. She gently squeezed him and he inhaled sharply, wishing he didn’t have to wear this damned condom. He was more aroused than he’d ever been in his life, and he wanted to feel her silky skin caressing his naked flesh. But that was one rule he would not break. For her protection as well as his own.

  Her hand took the measure of him, smoothing its way slowly down over the latex, and then sliding beneath to cup his balls. He spread his legs to allow her better access, to savor the feeling, and her finger slipped behind his tight sac to the base of his shaft.

  He gasped. Whether by accident or design, she had found his own personal pleasure point, the spot that would send him over the edge quicker than any man would like to admit.

  He grabbed her wrist and pulled her up, rolling her onto her back. “My turn to touch,” he growled.

  “But you’ve touched me all night,” she protested quietly.

  “Not like this,” he swore, shaking his head. “Not like this.”

  He took a moment to study her body, seeing it in a new light. A possessive light. If possible, she was even more beautiful than he’d originally thought.

  His hand skimmed reverently over her breasts, down her stomach, coming to rest on her hip. His lips followed, laying light nips and kisses along the path his hand had taken, as she had done. He delighted in the little gasps and shudders that his touch produced in her. God, she was so honest in her reactions, so responsive! It felt like there were no games here, no false pretenses between them, a stark contrast to the fact that his entire business was built on games and pretense.

  This is why he had never participated in the scenarios booked by clients until tonight. Diane was right—his company fulfilled a certain need and purpose, but he much preferred this, the honest emotion of two people who wanted each other.

  And he desperately wanted this woman.

  Make love to me, she’d said.

  His head spun in anticipation as his hand moved from her hip to thread his fingers into her soft curls. She sighed and spread her legs to give him greater access. She was hot, wet, and ready for him—God, so beautiful!—but he took his time, running his index finger teasingly along her secret lips, sliding around her little bud before moving down, where he sank two fingers deeply inside her body.

  She moaned and shuddered as he slowly plundered her, in and out, priming her for his cock. Her head ground back into the mattress, and her hips bucked to take his fingers deeper. “God, how can you stand it?” she gasped as he sank into her for the third time.

  He frowned. “Stand what?”

  “Not being inside me!”

  His breath stopped and his body shook at her words, and his own answer came out on a ragged groan. “The answer is I can’t. I can’t stand it.”

  The moment was finally here. She obviously wanted him as much as he wanted her. His heart turned over in his chest.

  He moved over her, positioning himself between her legs, his cock at the entrance to her body. “Look at me,” he ordered. “Look into my eyes. I want you t
o watch me make love to you.”

  Her eyes had been cloudy and distant, focused inwardly on her pleasure, but at his command, she blinked once and fastened her gaze on his face. He knew what he must look like to her—a man struggling for control, in desperate need of release. He could feel the sweat on his brow, the tension written on his forehead. But he would make this the best orgasm yet for her tonight, or die trying.

  He propped himself on his elbows, laying his forearms alongside her upper arms, placing his fingertips around her shoulders so that he could hold her body firmly in place while he entered her. While his body rocked them both to climax.

  It was an incredibly intimate moment. The way he held her was almost akin to a hug, and when he finally entered her it felt oddly like this was the first time ever. He went slowly so that she could feel every powerful inch of him, and so that he could see every emotion she was feeling. He memorized the way her pupils dilated with pleasure, the breathy shallowness of her excited breathing, the way her mouth fell open slightly in surprise at the slow buildup of sensations. Her stimulation was clear in her every reaction, and he felt an inordinate pride in pleasing her, more so than in anything else he’d done tonight.

  He smiled down at her and was rewarded with a brilliant smile in return. He sucked in a ragged breath. God, she was so beautiful, this moment so perfect. He wanted to remember it forever.

  Without thinking, he leaned down to kiss her.

  She opened her mouth to him easily, as she’d opened her body, and he took it as he’d taken her, with this newfound sense of possession. He wanted to know all of her, explore all of her, and he let his tongue lazily investigate her, delving into all her nooks and crannies, discovering the sensitive spot on the inside of her lips, tangling with her tongue. And when she demanded equal access to his own mouth, he gave it to her gladly, with a contented sigh. Christ, had he ever shared so much of himself with a woman he barely knew?

  When the kiss ended they were both breathless, smiling into each other’s eyes. But something else was quick to claim his attention.

  He’d seated himself to the hilt inside her, and now his body was restless to move. He slowly pulled out of her, and then slid back in again, purposely dragging his body against her this time, his chest rubbing against her breasts, his groin brushing along her clitoris, giving her as much stimulation as he could while his cock possessed her again.

  She groaned in pleasure and her head arched back into the mattress, but she immediately brought her eyes back to him. Eyes that now glittered. Wild. Asking him—no, begging him—for something.

  And he knew exactly what that something was. After all, his own body demanded the same thing.

  He moaned low in his throat, and began to move in earnest this time. He propped himself up on his hands for a better angle, and her fingers slid around his waist and ran lightly up and down his back, feeling his hot skin, encouraging him.

  He captured her gaze with his and reminded her to watch him, to look at him while he brought them both to pleasure. Her eyes met his challenge and locked onto his, giving him a view into her soul, sharing everything she was feeling. He drove into her, over and over, watching the pleasure build on her face as she thrust her hips up to take him as deeply as she could, while her fingers sank into his buttocks to pull him even closer. He could sense the buildup of her body as well as something else—her heart?—almost as if the sensation were his own. Or maybe it was his own. And when she gasped and tensed, ready to explode, he gave her one last, determined thrust and then let go of his own control. They climaxed together, watching each other in awed astonishment as it happened.

  As the waves of pleasure rolled over him, Logan realized he had never felt anything so powerful in all his life.

  He collapsed onto her shoulder, gently kissing her neck, smiling as he felt her arms slip around to hold him close.

  Chapter Eleven

  Isabella didn’t want this magical night to end.

  Mr. S’s body was like a warm blanket covering hers, comforting her after their amazing climax. Lying so intimately together like this was the perfect ending to making love with him, with his warm breath tickling her neck as he relaxed against her.

  She sighed contentedly.

  He shifted in her arms, rolling over onto his back and taking her with him, easing her head onto his shoulder. But despite the snug position, Isabella could tell that something had changed. His breathing sped up. One of his hands was shoved behind his head. He was staring intently at the ceiling, frowning.

  His mood had changed.

  Oh dear. Time to come clean, Bella. ’Fess up.

  She cleared her throat and ran a hand lightly over his chest. “Do you do this—what we did—with all the pledges for Sigma Iomega Nu?” she asked with a teasing note in her voice.

  He turned his head and looked at her. “What?”

  “The Sigma Iomega Nu initiates,” she repeated lightly. “Do you do this with all of them?”

  He frowned. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “You mean this isn’t all part of the sorority initiation?”

  He actually laughed. “Now that would be an interesting tradition.” But the smile faded from his face as it dawned on him what she might be saying. “Wait a minute. You paid for this. Fantasies Fulfilled. You picked out four fantasies from our list of services and paid my company to fulfill them.”

  Her eyes widened at that bit of information. He worked for an actual company that did this?

  “No, I didn’t,” she corrected gently. “I was told by my future sorority sisters at Sigma Iomega Nu to wait at the corner of Main and Elm streets tonight and that I would be picked up. But they wouldn’t tell me by whom. I figured it was all part of their super secret sorority initiation. If you remember, I asked you right at the beginning about the others—my fellow pledges—and you said they were waiting for me here in this room.” She shrugged. “I couldn’t understand how this could be part of the rite, but all initiations are so secretive—”

  “I meant that the other men were waiting here! That was a very specific request on the form you filled out.”

  She shook her head deliberately. “I didn’t fill out any form. I’m pledging the Sigma Iomega Nu sorority.”

  “No,” he rasped. “It’s not possible.”

  She smiled wryly and nodded. “It’s true. Remember—I fought you at the beginning.”

  “But—but I asked you. Before we started any of this, I insisted that you admit you wanted me, wanted this, and you agreed. I only thought you struggled because you wanted me to punish you, which was another one of your—the fantasies scheduled for tonight. I would never force any woman to have sex.”

  “I did agree,” she admitted readily. “Because by that point I realized this wasn’t the initiation and it wasn’t rape—”

  He sucked in a sharp breath. “Rape? God, no! Never.”

  “Exactly. I figured you were some sort of gigolo, but I never thought you worked for an actual company that does this!”


  “Why what?”

  “Why on earth did you agree to let me go through with it?”

  Isabella wanted to look away from the searching intensity she saw in his eyes, but she knew he deserved an answer and she desperately wanted to tell him the truth.

  “Because my life is—rigid, regimented, regulated. Already neatly laid out. The law degree, to follow in my mother’s footsteps. The boyfriend my parents have known since childhood. I feel trapped by it all. I’m only twenty-one—”

  “Christ!” he interrupted, dragging a hand roughly through his hair. “You’re twenty-one? The application said… I never should have… Twenty-one? My God, the things I did to you!”

  She laid a hand on his arm. “I’m twenty-one,” she repeated, “perfectly of age. And I wanted everything you did to me. My life is already one of quiet desperation. Do you know what that’s like? I took one look at you tonight and saw—”

nbsp; “Saw what?”

  She turned her head.

  “Tell me,” he insisted.

  “Danger,” she answered. “Excitement. Passion. A gorgeous guy and outrageous sex. I wanted that.” She turned back to him. “But then…”

  “But then?”

  “Then it changed to something else. I wanted you.” She looked hopefully into his eyes.

  He grimaced and turned away.

  His reaction cut her to the quick. So. He obviously didn’t feel the same way about her. The tenderness between them a moment ago had been nothing but an illusion, the emotion she’d felt just a delusion. Wishful thinking on her part. There was no hope for a future with him, as if there could ever be a future for a sexually naïve college girl and a professional male gigolo. Ludicrous. Asinine. But for a moment tonight, she really thought she’d felt a connection with him.

  And she would be forever grateful that on this last time they’d had sex, she’d been able to look him in the eye and see the incredible look of pleasure on his face when he came. She sighed.

  “Why?” she asked quietly, giving him the same question he’d thrown at her a minute ago.

  “Why what?”

  “Tell me why you work for this company, Fantasies Fulfilled.” At least she could find out what kind of a man he really was. She would like to understand something about him before they parted.

  His jaw clenched. “I own the company.”

  She sucked in a surprised breath.

  “It was my sister Diane’s idea—” he put in quickly.

  “Your sister? You have a sister named Diane?”

  He nodded.

  “She—she doesn’t by any chance belong to the Sigma Iomega Nu sorority, does she?”

  “No. I can assure you this is not part of your initiation ritual.”

  Isabella let out a breath. Diane. Too weird that her would-be sorority sister and his real-life sister shared the same name. That had been a big reason for the confusion earlier tonight. Still, the idea that Fantasies Fulfilled was his sister’s idea was just unbelievable. “Why on earth would your sister want you to be a gigolo?”