Programmed To Please (The Tau Cetus Chronicles) Read online

Page 7

  “Ahh… Marque…”

  The pleasure was a thousand times more intense than if he’d just blindly thrust himself inside her and started moving like he had on Monday. Jai’s head ground back into the mattress, breaking their visual bond, her fingers desperately clutching the bed sheet. She couldn’t help it. The exquisite torture of being slowly impaled by Marque’s amazing cock made her writhe and jerk beneath him, desperate for him to finally bury himself deep inside her.

  “Look at me,” he ordered.

  She forced her gaze back to his. His grey eyes glittered like diamonds and there was a thin sheen of sweat on his brow. His tight control was obviously costing him.

  He pushed inside her another inch.

  Her eyes rolled back in her head. “Ahh… Marque…please…”

  “Look at me.” He gave her one more deliberate inch.

  “Marque…” She tilted her hips to take him deeper, in desperate invitation.

  He finally took pity on her. Or maybe his own control finally broke. With a throaty groan and a determined push, he buried himself to the hilt, grinding his groin against hers to make sure every bit of him was inside her.

  She gasped out loud. She could feel him all the way to her stomach.

  “Bloody hell,” he swore. The wild, glittering look was still in his eyes. He was as affected by this as she was.

  And they hadn’t even truly started yet.

  “Fuck me, Marque,” she begged.

  Without hesitation, he began to move.

  Thank God. Jai thought she’d come when he eased his long cock out of her and again when he pushed back in, but just when he’d set a rhythm she was sure would finally send her into a shattering climax, he abruptly anchored his hands on her hips and rolled her over so that she was on top of him.

  With their rhythm broken, it took both of them a few seconds to catch their breath. Sprawled as she was atop him, Jai pushed herself up on to her hands to give Marque a questioning look.

  “I want to see you,” he growled. “I want to see your reactions, see your body during sex. I can’t do that with you buried underneath me.”

  The comment thrilled Jai. Marque had deliberately not looked at her the three times they’d previously had sex, and Jai was sure it was because Marque didn’t want to become emotionally attached. All part of his refusal to get addicted to a Beautiful Doll.

  Marque’s demand to watch her now was a very good sign for Commander Rainey’s plan.

  She shifted her legs so that she was straddling him, still impaled on his cock. He wanted to see her reactions? Well, that wouldn’t be hard. She’d gone a year without sex and these last two days without coming! And let’s not even mention that Marque has the most amazing cock I’ve ever seen… All she had to do was act naturally. Be herself.

  Giving him a small smile, she began to move.

  Dear God.

  Marque’s cock was so big it filled her completely. She braced her hands on his lean hips and slowly lifted and lowered herself on it.

  “Do you like that, Marque?”

  “Mmm… I certainly like seeing my cock disappear inside you like that. It’s damned erotic.”

  This was good for both of them, then. Her nether lips slid along the contours of his hard shaft, gripping him, licking him. Up. Down. She controlled their pleasure. She could easily come like this, but it didn’t seem as if Marque would, despite what he’d just said.

  He’d sounded too controlled.

  After a few moments, she changed position and started to rock her hips gently, enjoying the brush of his cock inside her, stroking her.

  “Fuck...” Marque obviously liked this position better. His fingers moved to her hips, pulling her forward and pushing her back, making her rocking motion more pronounced, jerkier, a little rougher. “Good. Keep going. Just like that. Yes.” When she caught the rhythm he preferred, he shifted his hands to her breasts, squeezing, kneading, teasing her nipples. “I love your breasts. They’re so damned perfect.”

  “Mmm…” Marque’s hands felt so good on her that Jai arched her back in pleasure, then realized that leaning backwards forced Marque’s long cock against her G-spot. She gasped at the sudden, intense sensation. “Oooh…”

  Marque stilled, and then bucked his hips. Jai gasped again.

  “Is that good, J? Do you like that?”

  “Y-yes, Marque. It’s very good.”

  “Then I order you to lean back and enjoy it.”

  “But –”

  “Lean back. I promise I’ll enjoy it, too.”

  She stared at him for a moment, but his eyes still had that glittery, intense, sex-focused look. She swallowed hard, and then nodded her agreement.

  She leaned back and braced her palms on his thighs, enjoying the feel of his soft, warm flesh under her fingers. Taking a deep breath, she shifted her hips forward experimentally. “Oooh…”

  Dear God, this was going to be a massive orgasm, she just knew it. Did she want Marque to see her that vulnerable? At his mercy?

  “Do you need me to move, J?”

  Odd, but he didn’t sound smug that he had her at his mercy. He sounded anxious that she enjoy herself.

  “Yes, Marque. Please move with me.”


  Screwing her eyes shut, Jai rolled her hips. Marque thrust up at the same time. The angle allowed his cock to hit her G-spot perfectly.

  “Ahh….Marque…” Instinct took over then, and Jai gave herself to it. Her hips moved of their own accord, fast, frantic, and each corresponding thrust of Marque’s cock stroked that sensitive bundle of nerves in her vaginal wall. Over and over, building a pleasure so intense Jai wanted to scream with it. But she wanted to come more.

  She was so close! So damned close. What was the problem?

  “Please… Marque…please…touch me.”

  She didn’t know where that desperate, panting plea came from, much less if he would even understand it. She was supposed to be a robot, for God’s sake, not an actual human being with physical needs. But understand it he did. Without hesitation, his thumb came up to rub hard against her clit. That extra stimulation was exactly what it took to drive her right over the edge.

  She screamed, shook, and swore. Her body contracted violently with a pleasure so intense she actually felt faint. Her blood pounded in her veins and she thought her heart might burst right out of her chest.

  Marque came, too. His shout of pleasure and continued thrusting as he emptied himself inside her prolonged the amazing orgasm, and by the time Jai’s spasms subsided, her throat was literally sore from yelling.

  Exhausted, she fell forward and collapsed onto his chest. Marque’s arms curled around her, cradling her, holding her close. Jai reveled in the wild beating of his heart and the feel of his sweat-slicked skin beneath her cheek. An endless minute later, Marque let out a small murmur of contentment. It seemed the most he could muster.

  Take advantage of this opportunity, Jai. “I’ve never felt anything like that, Marque.”

  Actually, it was true. Jai was no virgin, but no man had ever made her feel such incredible, toe-curling pleasure.

  “It was fucking amazing for me, too, J.”

  She smiled, even though he couldn’t see it with her head resting on his chest. What a thrill to be able to satisfy a man like Marque Callex! “I’m glad.”

  “That’s it, then,” Marque breathed, holding her tighter. “At the end of this week, I’m going to buy you.”

  Chapter Five

  I’m going to buy you…

  Dear God.

  Jai stilled on Marque’s chest. Don’t panic, Jai! Think this through.

  First off, it was never going to happen. As Tau Cetus’ partner in this scheme, Anson Carron would never agree to a sale, no matter how much money Marque might offer. Carron would give Marque some excuse about proprietary software, patent protections, company secrets, or some other explanation in order to protect Jai’s cover.

  From one businessman to anot
her, Marque should be able to understand Carron’s position.

  But it would never even get to that point. If Marque intended to wait until the end of the week to buy her, it meant Jai still had a couple more days to try and finish her job. And, if she needed more time, maybe Carron could extend Marque’s ‘free’ week as compensation for not selling her.

  However, if Marque truly wanted her badly enough to own her – which theoretically meant having her around forever, or at least until he tired of her – then he should have no fear about talking to her. About himself. About his job.

  About his double dealings…

  This shift in his feelings was exactly what Jai and Commander Rainey had been hoping for. So she wouldn’t disabuse him of his shocking idea to purchase her. At least not yet.

  Thank God he wasn’t planning to ask Carron to buy me today! Carron’s decline might have pissed Marque off enough to make him leave Beautiful Dolls.

  “That tickles, you know.”

  Jai reined in her thoughts and shifted her head on Marque’s chest. “What?”

  “Anson Carron is a damned clever man. The way he designed you to ‘breathe’ in order to make you more lifelike. Except for your eyes and your skin, you’re almost too lifelike. Your breath on my chest…tickles.” He shifted her in his arms. “Come here and lay by my side.”

  Wow. Anson Carron had been right. Marque honestly believed Jai was a machine because that’s what he expected to find at Beautiful Dolls.

  Actually, the timing of Marque’s request was perfect. Jai was damned uncomfortable now. Her legs were starting to cramp in this position. A robot’s, of course, would not.

  She lifted herself off his chest and disengaged herself from his cock, which had softened, but not nearly as much as she would have thought. She moved to snuggle against his side, her head on his shoulder, her palm on his chest. Almost as an afterthought, she threw her right leg across his thighs.

  Why did the position feel so natural?

  “You don’t have anything to say?” he mused. “No reaction at all?”

  “To what, Marque?”

  “To the fact I’m going to buy you.”

  Oh, dear. He was going to make an issue of this today.

  Wait a minute…. What if she acted like she wanted to be bought by him? It would give her the perfect opening to push to get to know him better. It might be even easier to get information out of him because of it. He’d spill his secrets, and the compromising information would be taped by Wyatt. Marque Callex would be brought down, and the world would be made safe again.

  Case closed. Mission accomplished.

  Possibly as soon as today.

  And yet…

  Stop it, Jai! There’s no room here for your feelings. Marque Callex is a dangerous man. You have a job to do.

  With a small sigh, she tilted her head on his shoulder to look up at him. Don’t even hint that Carron will never sell you... She forced a smile to her lips. “If I’m going home with you, Marque, I’d really like to know more about you.”

  His whole body immediately stiffened.

  “For instance,” she plowed on resolutely, settling back onto his shoulder and reaching out to stroke his hand. “Why are your palms so rough?”

  The tension eased slightly from his body, and let out a little chuckle. “You’re very observant, J.” He lifted up his left hand and rotated it, looking at the calluses on his palm. “I’m a sculler.”

  “A what?”

  “A sculler. A rower. It’s my obsession, my only form of relaxation.” Marque moved his hand, and his index finger settled underneath her chin, tilting her head back up to look at him. “Besides you, that is.” He dropped a chaste kiss on her lips. “You may very well become my new obsession, J, my new way of relaxing.” He smiled at her, then dropped his head back down onto the mattress and blew out a breath. “I love to row. When I’m out on a river or lake, I’m blissfully alone. Free from work and worries. It’s just me and the water. Of course, it drives Bursus crazy…”

  “Who’s Bursus?”

  “My bodyguard. It makes Bursus insane to think he couldn’t protect me if something should happen out there.”

  “What could happen while you row, Marque?”

  “Anything. A thousand things. But it doesn’t stop me. When I make up my mind about something…”

  He didn’t seem inclined to elaborate on that statement.

  “Then I don’t like rowing, either,” Jai pronounced blithely. “I don’t want anything to happen to you, Marque. I think I like this Bursus.”

  He chuckled again. “I predict Bursus will like you, too, J, especially if you keep me, um, inside, enjoying a…different kind…of relaxation. It’d make his job a helluva lot easier.”

  “Then I’ll try, Marque.” The words came out so solemnly that Marque gave her a quick, affectionate squeeze. Jai’s hand moved to stroke across his chest. “Is rowing how you got this amazing body?

  “You think my body is amazing?”

  “Oh, yes, Marque.” The most amazing body I’ve ever seen.

  “You know, you constantly surprise me with your comments. What other men have you had to compare me to? None. Carron said you were fresh out of the factory.”

  Uh, oh…

  “I am, Marque. But your body is very…appealing…to me. And since my main function is sexual, you must be a prime example of maleness if you excite me so much.”

  That got a slightly bigger laugh out of him. Jai could feel the rumble of his chest shaking beneath her.

  “I love your logic, J.”

  Jai wished she could be looking into Marque’s face right now. That deep crease between his brows would be gone… his mouth pulled up into a smile… his grey eyes warm… She was missing it all just because her head was snuggled here on his shoulder.

  Not that there was any less pleasure in this…

  “Rowing is a full-body workout,” he continued. “But I’m also in a gym every morning at five. Without fail.”

  “At least Bursus can protect you there.”


  “Where is he now?” It was the expected question; Jai already knew the answer, but Marque didn’t know that she knew.

  “He’s just outside our door, in the reception area.”

  Our door. Marque was already thinking of them as a couple. It was incredible. Once Marque committed to her it seemed he had really committed.

  Pressing her luck – and his good mood – she continued to stroke his chest. “Why do you need a bodyguard, Marque?”

  He was silent for a long moment, and Jai worried that she’d pushed him too hard. Too far, too fast.

  Eventually, he blew out a breath. “I lead a very dangerous life, J. Recently it’s gotten even more treacherous. Bursus protects me. I can’t say more than that.”

  Play the dumb sexbot, Jai. You’re not supposed to know anything about him. “Why can’t you say more than that?”

  “Because I never know where… or who… my enemies are.”

  “But surely you feel safe here.”

  “I feel physically safe here. Bursus did a thorough inspection of this room before I accepted Anson Carron’s invitation.”

  One of Jai’s eyebrows rose in surprise. She hadn’t known that interesting tidbit of information. Bursus must have searched this room before Wyatt installed his spy cam in the ceiling right before Marque’s first visit.

  “Surely you feel safe with me, Marque.”

  He hesitated briefly. “I do now. But believe me, Bursus almost demanded I pull the plug on our week together when Carron flatly refused to allow him to send you through a scanner to check for potential dangers.” Marque’s fingers flexed. “I overruled him.”

  What? Bursus had wanted to scan her but Carron had refused? Tau Cetus had more to thank the owner of Beautiful Dolls for than they’d thought. Still, Jai didn’t like the fact all this information was new to her. If Carron hadn’t been forthcoming about these important details, what else might
he be hiding?

  But now was not the time to think about that. Now was the time to take advantage of Marque’s talkative mood. “You overruled Bursus, Marque? Why?”

  It was a safe question to ask, especially now that Marque was already on his third visit to the Beautiful Dolls boudoir.

  “Remember what I just said about making up my mind about something?” He sighed. “A big part of the decision to come here was that I was stressed enough to take the chance that you wouldn’t try to kill me. Although – and I’ll admit this only now – when I was deep in the throes of pleasure, you probably could have stuck a knife between my ribs and I would have been helpless to defend myself. You’re that good, J. I would have died happy.”

  Despite the outrageous sexual compliment, Jai heard what he was really saying. What a terrible, lonely life he must lead. Jai tilted her head back to look Marque in the eye. “You don’t trust anyone, do you?”

  He shrugged. “I trust, but in degrees. I rarely trust completely, but Bursus and my assistant, Talesin, are on that list.”

  Assure him he can trust you, Jai. Tell him you’re not his enemy.

  But she most definitely was. She may not want to see him dead, like possibly some of his other enemies, but her plan was to coldly pump him for information and then pointedly betray him.

  She absolutely was his enemy. And for some absurd reason, she was loath to lie to him about it while here in his arms. So she tried another tack. “You can talk to me about whatever makes you stressed, Marque. I’ll listen.”

  “Thank you, J. But work can wait. I’m interested in talking about something else right now.”


  Marque eased his arm out from underneath her, and propped himself on his side. Jai mourned the loss of his shoulder, but he was looking down at her so intently that she wondered what was on his mind.

  “I have a theory…” he began. The tip of his index finger settled on her skin at the base of her neck, and then slowly slid its way down her chest, between her breasts, straight over her stomach and belly, and all the way down to her groin. “My theory is this,” he continued. “I believe the interesting little triangle of hair which you’ve said ‘points the way to pleasure,’ actually points to the spot that gives you pleasure. Or at least makes a robot react as if it’s pleasurable. It’s not for me, it’s for you, J.”